The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

1. Saying YES


There are many people that would class themselves as people pleasers constantly saying yes to everyone in their life. Although it’s important to help others, you have to bare in mind one thing:

Remember that saying yes to others means you are saying no to yourself and your business. Saying NO more in your life will help safeguard your time so you can build your business.

2. Perfectionism

Many of my clients struggled with wanting everything to be perfect, the challenge here is that it is the root cause to why their business and life isn’t progressing at the rate at which they would want it.

Did you know that perfectionists have the lowest of all standards? Because it’s something that you can never reach. So don’t allow perfectionism to stop you but instead embrace being imperfect and making progress in your life.

3. Worrying

Too many entrepreneurs worry about the past (which you can’t change) or what could, would, may happen. What often causes this worry is asking the wrong types of questions.

I actually recently had a conversation with a client who would have downward spirals all from asking negative questions which result in negative answers. This would then snowball to more stress, anxiety and ultimately not doing anything in his day.

Focus on the NOW and build your future.

4. Multi-tasking

Did you know it takes 14 minutes after being distracted to get 100% focused on the task you were doing? How many times do you get distracted by your phone or other notifications during the day?

You MUST focus on one task at a time and you’ll get much more done! Use time blocking and uninterrupted segments of time so that you can fully focus on the tasks at hand.

5. No prioritisation

Do you ever just look at a list and have no idea where to start? You aren’t alone, many entrepreneurs struggle with prioritisation, I even had a mentor call the other day where one of my mentees said that everything is important!

Yet the truth is, we MUST prioritise in order to get things done properly rather than half heartedly doing a bunch of tasks. Make sure to focus on the 20% of your business that will help bring 80% of results!

6. Hesitation

Do you ever over analyse decisions in your business? You find that you hesitate and are unsure what is the right step for you to take, in order to move your business to higher levels of success.

The truth is that leaders must make decisions fast and change them slow. If you want to take your life and business to a different level, take charge and start making decisions now! Only when you do this can you start to really shift the results you are gaining at present.

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