A morning routine is the foundation for your day as an entrepreneur. In this article, you will understand morning routines from a variety of entrepreneurs. I hope you can find some inspiration here to help you tailor your routine, to create an even better start to your day.
Hal Erod has a book on morning routines that I thought was helpful if you have never had a morning routine before. He has some interesting insights; the best of which is the 6 minute miracle morning. Remember even if you have a busy day, you MUST have time for at least 6 minutes to yourself!
Hal Erod – 6 Minute Miracle Morning

- Minute 1 – Silence – meditate and observe your mind
- Minute 2 – affirmations – remember to use energy when you say them
- Minute 3. – visualisation – visualise what you want to create in the world
- Minute 4. – scribing - pull out a journal and write down what you are grateful for, proud of and what you want to create in the day
- Minute 5 – reading - read some self help books for some inspiration
- Minute 6 – exercise – do as many press ups or jumping jacks that you can to increase your heart rate
Tim Ferris: Author, Entrepreneur, and Public Speaker

- Makes his bed
- Meditates for 20 minutes
- He drinks some strong loose tea
- Journals for 5 to 10 minutes clearing thoughts from his head
- Small breakfast
- 20-90 minutes of exercise
Richard Branson – CEO of Virgin

- 5 am wakes up
- Charts his day
- Meditates , reads and writes to channel his focus
- Exercises
- Time for family and breakfast
Leo Babauta from ZenHabits
- Wake at 4:30 a.m.
- Drink water.
- Set 3 Most Important Things (MITs) for today.
- Fix lunches for kids and himself.
- Eat breakfast and read.
- Exercise (run, bike, swim, strength, or meditate.
- Shower. 8. Wake wife & kids at 6:30 a.m.
Sundar Pichai – CEO of Google

- 6.30-7am wake up
- Reads the physical wall street journal and check the new york times online
- He then has an omelette with a cup of tea for breakfast
Where to start?
Very simple I want you to experiment. Use these routines as inspiration to start your own rock solid morning routine. Those in our Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator will include these fundamental habits. Gratitude, Super-hydration, visualisation, gratitude and condition their identity. These 5 combined have a powerful effect to wake you up, keep you healthy and in the right mindset for an awesome day.
A challenge I offer to you all, if you choose to take it, is to pick two routines, either from the list above or make two up. Then pick one to do for two weeks and then the second for the remaining two weeks of the month. You can see which one you prefer and then start editing and adding things accordingly.
Good luck and make it happen!