Entries by Ben

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5 ways I drastically changed my business this year

The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

1. Branding

branding business

I moved my brand from the Fulfilment Artist to The Entrepreneur Lifestyle. This was a huge change for me, yet it was of great importance to help me expand more sustainably online.

2. Business model

I changed my business model from 1 to 1 coaching, to creating a more scalable business model that allows me to still offer immense value whilst not taking up the majority of my time.

3. Funnels

I started to put together the right systems and funnels so that I could automate the sales process. This means I can work hard once and have leads coming into my funnel that are nurtured organically.

4. Marketing


I started to do much more online marketing compared to previously where I would speak at multiple events in different countries throughout the year. From online events, to blogs, mini workshops and even being a guest on other people’s podcasts.

5. Impact

I started a podcast to be able to have even more of an impact to entrepreneurs all over the world. This goes in line with my long term strategy of creating more partnerships to have a much larger impact internationally and out in China.

I hope that you can learn from how I changed my business model, to help you have more business success this year.

Do you want some support in building your business whilst living a great lifestyle?

Book a FREE Business and Lifestyle Evaluation to find out the 5 biggest factors holding you back and the #1 strategy to help you move forward.

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Losing Everything is the Perfect Opportunity

The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

Now you’re probably thinking: Really Ben?? Losing EVERYTHING is that really an opportunity? Since working with many business owners, who have had everything and lost it multiple times, I can tell you that it is.

The sad thing is that most people don’t have this perception; they often remain stuck in a victim mentality. They say things like: “why does this always happen to me?” or “I am just so unlucky in life.” Instead, I want you to start taking responsibility, to hit the reset button and start preparing for an even more sensational future.

Once you have had the experience of losing many things in your life it actually allows you to think about what truly matters to you. You can think about your purpose and consider what you actually want to build in your life.

Many people never have the space, or the opportunity to start again. I personally have hit rock bottom many times in my life. Be it with relationships, health, business, finances or emotions. I think we have all had our fair few negative experiences and I wanted to share one with you.

This experience was when I almost became broke in China.

It was when I was first building my business to help people transform their life. I had no idea what to niche in and was exploring helping people from all walks of life. I started going to talks, speaking at events and even hosting my own free events to bring potential people in.

However, despite all my effort for months I didn’t sign a single client. Perhaps you too can relate, where you put so much effort into a business yet nothing happened. I didn’t have any other income at the time and I remember watching the cash in my bank account very rapidly decrease.

What made it even more challenging was that I was in an international relationship and needed to afford flights and accommodation. I was in fact flying in between Los Angeles, London and Shanghai! (I definitely should have chosen cheaper cities!!!) Nonetheless this pressure I started to put on myself, made me feel stressed, worried and depressed. I felt like I needed the very thing that I was offering others. Yet I found that with no money in the bank account my mindset as an entrepreneur was starting to move into scarcity and I seriously started to doubt myself.

I spoke to a friend Andrew at the time, who said it would be smarter to get a job and use that income to build up the business. Although I think this is a fantastic piece of advice I hadn’t ever had a REAL job and didn’t want to start teaching English in China.

It was at that moment that I made a key decision. I decided that I would do anything possible to avoid having to get a job. I didn’t want to work to make someone else’s dream a reality. I knew what I had to give was valuable and I would make sure to over deliver to the clients that I would work with.

I took some massive action and started to attend even more events, meet more people and conduct many 1 on 1 coaching conversations. A few more weeks went by with no results!

I was less than 2 weeks away from having nothing in my account.

Then I finally took my first high ticket client on. I can’t tell you what a relief that was! Suddenly I knew I could do it and that everything would be ok!

It was only through this belief that I MUST make it work that I prevailed in reaching the outcome I desired. Remember that persistence is key in life! In these challenging times we are in, it’s easy to be down on ourselves and put an immense amount of pressure to achieve specific results.

I challenge you to slow down and to reflect about what is it that you really want in life? What is your purpose and mission? Only then can you have the inner drive and motivation to really follow through on what it is that you desire.

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How to Stay Motivated || 10 Tips & Life Hacks

The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

Motivation is like a shower, you need to take it daily.

Use these tips to help keep you consistently motivated towards your ideal business and lifestyle.

1. Create a powerful morning routine

powerful morning routine

Your morning routine is key to help put you in the right state for the rest of your day.

How often do you wake up grumpy, sluggish or tired? If you don’t have a routine to help move you out of this state it can have a big negative impact. Instead use gratitude, meditation and visualisation to move yourself into the right state.

You need to have a combination of different exercises that work for you, to prepare you for the day. This routine you do on a consistent basis will help you not only feel better about your life and business, but will start to create momentum to achieve the life you deserve.

The best thing is that it’s this consistency that once built, which means that you don’t need motivation, as you’ll start doing it out of habit. A powerful morning routine is a must!

2. Have a vision board

This is your why. It’s why you do the things you do. Using this you can start to focus on what it is that you want to build and create.

Don’t have something that is boring; make this vision board exciting that you truly want to manifest in your life. Think about how you want to run your business, imagine the team you want to create and the lifestyle you want to live.

By doing this on a regular basis you’re going to be truly focused and the actions you take daily will be more directed towards the attainment of your vision.

3. Measure your progress

This is incredibly important. Remember that progress can also be equated to happiness.

You need to start measuring your progress. Think about the micro wins you have each day and the actions you take that move you towards what you desire. If you don’t acknowledge the small things it’s easy to become demotivated.

Don’t do this in just one area of your life, measure progress in all the different areas of your life so that you can see the steps you are making. This also helps to remind you when you’re falling off track as you are measuring the actions you’re taking.

4. Hire a coach or mentor


You need to have someone to help push you and show you what is possible in the world.

They may believe in you more than you do and that will really help you stay motivated!

Gaining perspectives, insights and clarity into what you’re doing from someone that has either done it before or can ask the right questions, is a priceless investment that will keep you accountable and help you think bigger.

If you haven’t yet, make sure to hire someone and have coaching so that you can reach higher levels of success, abundance and happiness in your life.

5. Create an empowering environment

Your environment is so important for success in business, especially now that many people are working from home.

Have you created an environment that truly empowers you? Do you have things that make you smile, pictures, images or art?

If you haven’t yet, think about what your environment would look like if you had already achieved what you desire.

This will help you put the right elements in place to keep you on track, inspired and focused on creating what you desire.

6. Spend time with inspirational people.

Spend time with people that truly inspire you. This in and of itself will help lift your spirits more than most other things.

Think about in your life where you’ve had a conversation and thought WOW this person is AMAZING! It’s often those small conversations that really inspire us as to what is possible in the world.

If you don’t have access to people like that make sure to check out the Entrepreneur Lifestyle podcast to help keep you inspired on your journey.

Remember don’t spend time with people that drain you of energy. These people are the equivalent of an energy sucking vampire. Avoid them at all costs!

7. Read/listen to brilliant books.

Someone that writes a book generally speaking has spent decades of his or her life researching, analysing and looking at all the best things they have found on a given subject.

Listening to these people saves you decades of time. Find people that you admire and are inspired by and make sure to buy their book.

This will help flood your mind with positivity, perspective and growth that helps you move to higher heights in your life.

8. Do something you love

do something you love

Don’t stay stuck in the same mundane routine you have done for years.

Instead focus on something you enjoy doing. Whether this is going out running in the park, salsa in the evenings or playing board games with friends.

What is it that you love doing? What would an awesome week look like for you?

I challenge you to pause and consider these questions.

Being aware of these things is one thing, however what is more important is making it happen and taking action. I challenge you to pick one thing that you love and start doing it in the next 2 weeks.

9. Keep hungry

Don’t become complacent and comfortable where you are.

Being comfortable is one of the worst things for humans because it keeps you in the same place.

Remember if you aren’t growing you’re dying.

You need to dream big enough so that you’re excited and have something that you’re really working towards. People that I work with often have a big dream but it’s not big enough to really excite them.

Perhaps it’s time for you to play a bigger game? Where do you need to step up and start to push yourself to even greater heights?

10. Rest

It’s important to take time off and relax; no one can keep going 24/7.

Once you have rested you will feel energised and ready to go. This especially applies to all business owners out there running around like headless chickens being “busy”.

Rest is often the catalyst that gives you new creative ideas to help accelerate your business in new ways.

I challenge you to take off an afternoon on a weekday, start scheduling holidays and give yourself the break you so deserve.

If you enjoyed this and want to receive regular inspiration and insights for business owners, make sure to join thousands of other entrepreneurs receiving weekly tips, tricks and strategies.

The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

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5 questions to consider when starting again in life

The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

If I could design a life that is extraordinary what would I be doing?

Here you’re looking into opportunities to take your life in a new direction, or up to a higher level.

Most people settle for an average life, instead of striving for an extraordinary one. Let me ask you: are you an average human being?

If the answer is no, why would you settle for an average life?

It’s time to start designing your life in a way that excites you. Spend some time answering this question and watch as the magic of your imagination unfolds.

What can I always be grateful for in life?

Next look into bringing more gratitude into your life, which will make you feel more abundant.

If you’ve hit a big hurdle, it’s easy to feel like you’ve lost incredibly important elements in your life. Instead, I want you to start to think of the things that you can truly be grateful for in your life; that are almost always there.

For example: oxygen, transportation, clean water, your eyes to see, your hands to touch, your legs so you can move about in the day. If you can start to switch your mind and think like this each day, it will put you in a better position to start to live an even more abundant life than before you went through this challenging period.

What have I learnt and what will I do differently from now on?

This 2 part question is fantastic because it not only gives you an opportunity to reflect on what you have done so far. (Very often in life we forget how important it is to reflect on our mistakes.) By asking this you can spend some time digging at the life lessons that you’ve received.

Reflecting is one thing, yet what will you do differently from now on? This second step is where the rubber hits the road. For example I was aware that I burnt out and was low on energy, yet it took months before I did anything about it.

Imagine if you could adapt to circumstances now so the same mistakes didn’t occur again or were very unlikely occur? This is where true transformation takes place.

If I died tomorrow what regrets would I have?

Life has no meaning except the meaning that you give it.

Death helps put life into perspective. You know that you’ll die at some point in the future. Despite this being a morbid outlook it can actually help you live more in the present.

This is where you can start to think about what you want to do in your life and how you want to be each day.

If you only had a week left to live I’m sure you would be acting slightly different than you are at present.

I highly doubt you would be as stressed but instead really put things into perspective. So dive into this question and start to work out what are the MUSTS for you to do in your life.

What are my next steps?

It’s all good and well planning. However, if we can’t chunk it down to the steps that you need to do now, to start moving, then your time reading this was useless.

This is where you may move into analysis paralysis. You want to create changes but don’t know where to start. I want you to think of at least 3 steps, one of which you must take now, in order to start making progress towards making this new life a reality.

These actions will solidify everything that you’ve done throughout the previous questions and you’ll start to be on a success cycle.

Once again make sure that you implement and do these, otherwise they’re another idea that will be useless to you.

Knowledge is potential power. It’s time to use that power and make it happen!

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20 tips to have a healthier lifestyle

The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

1. Drink More Water

Did you know that 60% of our bodies are water? Water is key and yet most of us forget to drink it in the day. On average a person needs between 2 and 4 litres of water a day to be functioning at maximum capacity. You must increase your water intake if you want to function at your best and be healthier each day.

2. Take a lunch break walk outside

Taking a walk at lunch helps you get outside, see the world and take a break from work. This space adds to creativity, helps you exercise more and allows you to be social out of the office. It is also one of the best ways to get a good healthy dose of Vitamin D.

3. Exercise more

Consistent Exercise

Exercising the body is of paramount importance. It is through exercise that you can stimulate different parts of your brain to give you more brainpower and a boost of energy to complete your day more easily. Exercise can be running, swimming, going to the gym or any other way in which you are moving your body as opposed to sitting all day.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should be 70% of your diet! Most entrepreneurs in the world probably get about 5-15% of their daily intake through these sources. If you want to be healthier then certainly increasing your intake will do wonders for your health.

5. Avoid artificial sweeteners

They’re easy to add as they give you a sugar boost and our bodies believe they taste nicer. However, it doesn’t do your body any good and actually disrupts the normal systems your body has. In many cases it also causes you to become hungrier after, due to the spike in sugar levels.

6. Schedule exercise in your week

If it’s scheduled then you will do it. The amount of entrepreneurs that I work with that say they want to make time for exercise but become too busy is not worth counting. If you really want to change your lifestyle then exercising needs to become a priority in your life.

7. Eat when your body is hungry,
not your mind

10 Healthy habits all business owners need to start

Often we see a piece of cake or chocolate and have a craving to eat it. This is often the mind telling you, that you’re hungry as opposed to physical hunger. Start to practice telling the difference between these to start to take back control of what you eat.

8. Have more fun

Healthy people look to have more fun in their lives because they know that when they have fun they can truly unwind and relax. There are too many people in this world that don’t have balance and work far too hard. It is through this that you can really start to shift your life and have an abundance of fun moving forward.

9. Be aware of your steps

Healthy people are aware of how much they walk in the day. They may have a tracker or use their phone but they understand that as a human if you walk less than 6000 steps in a day then your body will start breaking down and giving you aches and pains. Aim for around 10,000 steps per day and don’t stop until you hit the target!

10. Allow yourself to cheat

No I don’t mean cheating in relationships. I mean having cheat food, whether these are cocktails, chocolate, cakes whatever it is. Allow yourself the flexibility to have these from time to time. If you don’t do this what will happen is that you will do great for a period of time and then one day will come where you binge eat on everything. It’s much better to do it sustainably than a binge eating session!

11. Order dressing on the side

When you order food, have the dressing on the side. People are often not aware of the amount of oil, cream and calories in a dressing. Use dressings sparingly and don’t drench your food in it.

12. Eat healthy fats

Research continually shows that eating healthy fats such as omega 3 found in nuts, fish, avocado and olive oil, helps to protect your against high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease.

13. Cook at home

Healthier people tend to cook at home because they understand what they are putting into their food. If you eat out many times in the week, you may not know what is really in the dishes that you are eating. They may look healthy but where the food is from and how it’s cooked has a big impact on how healthy the dish is to your body.

14. Eat simple meals often

Fit people create simple meals that they have very often. These are often balanced meals that truly give them the nutrition they need as they go about their day. Find the meals that work for you, keep it simple and have them often.

15. Listen to your body

Listening to your body is one of the best skills you can develop. Whether it is allowing you to rest, eating a certain type of food or exercising slightly harder on a certain day. Learn to differentiate between listening to your body’s cravings and understanding what your body truly needs.

16. Sleep more

We live in a society where most people don’t get enough sleep. If you have more sleep then you will feel yourself being able to focus more, exercise harder and be in a better mood throughout the day. Sleep is of paramount importance and something that should not be overlooked. 

17. Improve your posture

This is a major issue that many entrepreneurs face. Over time we often begin to adopt bad habits in our posture that cause our bodies to overcompensate in different areas. A tight hip can lead to shoulder pain. There are many examples of this so make sure that you are doing exercises regularly to reset your body back to its normal state.

18. Stop eating when you feel full

It’s very easy for us to want to eat everything on our plate. Instead learn to listen to your body and stop when you are 80% full. It takes some time for your body to digest your food and for you to feel full, so wait 10 minutes and most likely you won’t need to eat more. If you do, just drink some water as most commonly you’ll be feeling dehydrated after the meal.

19. Avoid soda drinks

If you drink soda drinks often it’s often equated to drinking empty calories. They don’t do anything for your body except add to your calories for the day. Choose to have green tea, vegetable juices and water instead.

20. Learn to say no

Healthy people know when they don’t want to eat more or when they don’t want to have another drink. It’s this discipline that allows them to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the year. As you start to install this in your life, you will notice that people will respect you more and you will feel so much better!

Healthy people know when they don’t want to eat more or when they don’t want to have another drink. It’s this discipline that allows them to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the year. As you start to install this in your life, you will notice that people will respect you more and you will feel so much better!

I hope you can learn to be disciplined enough to live the life that you deserve! If you want to be healthier and happier on your journey make sure to check out the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator.

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10 Healthy habits all business owners need to start

The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

Tips 12

1. Don’t do bad days

bad days

It’s easy to wake up and have a great day when everything is going according to plan. Yet the truth is that doesn’t happen on most days. As an entrepreneur you will have very tough challenges and hurdles to face on your journey.

However, if you can choose to not let a bad issue create a bad day, you’ll create a better life and business as a result. Take issues into perspective and make sure it doesn’t influence other aspects of your life and work.

A habit to help you manage this is to turn to appreciation. In times of stress, think about what you can appreciate so that you can avoid one bad issue turning into a bad day!

2. Be active in the morning

Did you know that on average business owners wake up between 5am to 6am? This is because they have to prioritise themselves and their health. What most of them do straight away, is move their body. It could be going to the gym, going for a run or a walk outside.

The priority for you is to be active and exercise in the morning. Very often when business issues arise, you may not have time in the afternoon or evening. By exercising early on, it will allow you to get off to a great start to your day.

3. Create a system for your time

As a business owner, you not only have to manage business, but also your personal and family life. All these areas require time, so being able to time block and plan is of paramount importance.

In order for you to not be stressed and overwhelmed, a system for time is a must. Whether it is time blocking, the pomodoro technique or repeating tasks in your calendar, be sure to find a system that works for you consistently. If you are feeling overwhelmed with time, make sure to download the 5 hacks to overcome overwhelm

4. Read a book a week

CEOs keep their mind healthy by constantly absorbing new information and learning in their field. On average CEOs read 1 book a week. You may say this is excessive.

Yet, if you think about the amount of different departments a business owner has to manage, doesn’t it make sense to read a book from different experts to help make more informed decisions? Of course it does!

One of the best ways business owners do this is by listening to books or speed-reading books. If you aren’t doing either of these, now is the time to start! I recommend learning to listen at 2-3 x speed to help you absorb information in a more efficient way.

5. Healthy smoothies

Many business owners don’t have time to cook in their day because of their lifestyle, so one of the habits they often adopt is drinking healthy smoothies.

This is a great way for you to gain lots of nutrients very quickly. Many of the business owners I work with choose to have one meal a day as a shake to enable them to be fueled and maintain concentration without having to sit down for half an hour to eat.

6. Hydrate

This applies to everyone. Did you know that most people are dehydrated throughout the day? Yes that’s correct most people drink far less than they need to be functioning optimally.

To keep healthy as a business owner, you’ll need to be drinking water regularly throughout the day, every 15 minutes is ideal. This is to make sure that your brain is working at optimal levels in all the meetings and tasks you have in the day.

7. Consistently move

Since business owners have many meetings, you would think they would be sitting in a room the entire day right? Actually this is not the case. It’s of paramount importance to be active so that your body doesn’t ache and you don’t lose focus in the day.

The most healthy business owners actually move throughout their whole day. You can do this through walking meetings, walking around at lunch or even just a 5 minute walk through the office.

One of the best ways to gain steps in the day is to walk around a room, on any zoom call you are part of. Make sure that your video is turned off as you do this though!

8. Stress management techniques


For any business there are always going to be times where you can feel stressed. Those that are aware of this stress and how to manage it, have a much better life than those that don’t.

Be it meditating, taking a walk in nature, unwinding at the end of the day, speaking to mentors, brainstorming in a mastermind …etc. Every single business owner I work with that creates this balance at work has found a way to distress himself or herself, so that they aren’t overwhelmed by their work.

This is something that is a must.. If you’re having trouble managing stress check out this article: 7 ways to quickly reduce stress and anxiety

9. Create a great evening routine

Business owners are aware that you have to get enough sleep. Of course there will be times where they get less as they run large businesses. However, what is important to them is that they have a routine that helps reset them each day.

This has to include getting to bed at roughly the same time each day, unwinding and planning the next day. This will allow you to consistently reset so that you can serve better in your business each day.

10. Celebrate your successes

It’s easy as entrepreneur’s to forget about how much you have accomplished. You’re doing so much and are so focused on the vision in the future that it’s easy to miss the successes that you are having along the way.

You must choose to acknowledge all the mini successes that you have to help give you the motivation and inspiration to accomplish your future goals. One of the best ways to do this is to write down 3 wins at the end of each day!

Want some more healthy habits on your journey? Join the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator

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