Stop making excuses
- I can’t tell you how many times I hear excuses of why someone isn’t achieving what they desire.
- “No one is buying at the moment”
- “The economy is bad”
“online ads doesn’t work anymore” - “People just don’t have the money at present”
- “I just don’t know what to do”
Enough of making excuses in your life. You MUST take full 100% responsibility for the results you are gaining and for the circumstances that you’re in.
- Too many times we let a list of excuses stop us from executing on a plan to achieve our dreams. The biggest challenge I see for many entrepreneurs is overcoming the voice in their head holding them back.
Self awareness is certainly the first step and what I challenge you to do is to write down all the reasons why you aren’t currently where you want to be.
This is a great first step that clarifies some of the limiting beliefs that more often than not has been holding you back for years or even decades!
I remember speaking to a client of mine called Dan, who had challenges that were unresolved around his relationship with money for almost his entire life which is almost 5 decades!
I challenge you to step up in your life and eradicate the excuses.
- Tired? Sleep more!
- Stressed out? Hire some help!
- Overwhelmed? Become more organised!
- Don’t have the time? Quit watching Netflix!
- Don’t have the money? Stop wasting it & start investing it!
Take 100% responsibility for where you are. Only then can you take full control to pursue & shape your future.
I hope this gives you some inspiration to STEP UP in your life and make the changes necessary to life the life you desire. I’ll leave you with one last quote to consider:
“hell on earth would be to meet the man you could have been, don’t let today be that day, choose to live today to the fullest”
Make it happen and I’ll see you on the other side!