The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

1. Tidy your environment

tidy up things

When you’re feeling down as an entrepreneur, your environment is often a representation of how you feel. A disorganised screen on your laptop, papers everywhere and reminder notes scattered in your room are common examples.

If you can start by tidying your environment it will help you feel better so that you can tackle the day in a better state.

2. Remind yourself of what is going right

I find that entrepreneurs who are feeling down are focusing on all the issues in their business as opposed to what is going right. Reflect on what you’re focusing on at the moment.

Are you focusing on issues you’re facing or reflecting on how far you’ve come?

If you can ask an empowering question such as what is going right in my business right now? It will help you move out of a negative emotional state.

3. Identify what causes you stress

Self awareness is the first step to enable you to overcome what is really causing you stress as a business owner. One of the best ways to identify these stressors is to take a step back and really reflect as to what is driving this stress.

Is it a specific challenge, a series of challenges, work colleagues, money ..etc? If you haven’t started journaling, I think it’s one of the best ways to help you identify what is causing you stress. Once you have identified the cause, then start to take actionable steps to overcome it.

4. Deload your brain

Most business owners when they are stressed, are thinking about too many projects, tasks and deadlines. One of the best ways to tackle this is by deloading your mind. This involves writing everything down that you’re trying to process.

You can do this either in the evening or in the morning, and once you do, you’ll find that your mind is much clearer as a result. This is not just a one time fix, this is a regular habit to install to allow your mind to fully process everything that is going on.

5. Exercise regularly

Exercising helps release dopamine in the brain, it helps your brain function and helps you think in different ways. Plus moving your body will just make you feel good!

If you can, exercise outside because then you can really move outside of the box life that most people live in and start to observe and appreciate the world around you.

6. Eat something healthy

Many business owners eat incredibly unhealthy food and wonder why they don’t feel good.

One of the best tips to help you become more healthy is to have 70% of your diet consisting of foods that are alive. These include all vegetables and fruits! By eating foods that are alive, you’ll start to feel better and think more clearly as a result.

7. Meditate


Sometimes we rush around so much, we never actually stop to think about how we’re really feeling in the business. When you suppress emotions what’s really happening is like a jack in the box getting ready to explode. You want to make sure you are processing everything that’s going on so that you don’t burn out nor say something that you regret.

Spend some time thinking about what is bothering you. You’ll start to observe your mind instead of thinking that you are your mind. This is one of the best ways to help manage stress.

8. Have a power nap

Power naps are one of the best stress relieving hacks for entrepreneurs! In life you may forget how important it is for your body to rest and actually recharge.

When speaking globally, power naps are one of the best ways to adjust to time zones and help me feel recharged. Sometimes just rejuvenating ourselves by going to sleep is one of the best ways to really make yourself feel better and think more clearly. Yes you can do this in your normal work week and you’ll be amazed with how you feel!

9. Put on music that inspires you

We all have our pump up songs that makes us feel amazing and it isn’t just the music but it’s the actual vibrations that help shift our body. This helps create an immediate change in how you feel.

Go dance around listening to your favourite tunes and then tell me if you are feeling stressed after! The truth is that your state can change instantaneously but it’s about interrupting the pattern. You have a negative pattern when you become stressed and music is a fantastic way to interrupt it.

When you can become a master of understanding how to interrupt your patterns then you will start to live an extraordinary life instead of a difficult stressed life that most business owners settle for.

10. Listen to inspiration

There is inspiration all around us. Read an entrepreneur’s autobiography, listen to inspirational leaders on YouTube, listen to any of the videos we share and hopefully it will make you laugh or atleast offer a different perspective.

This inspiration can keep you going through tough times. Remember motivation is like a shower you should take it daily! Yes you should be showering daily if you aren’t already and motivation is the same!

11. Speak to Friends

speak to friends

Friends know how to cheer you up, you can share your challenges and talk about what’s going on as opposed to bottling it up. It’s easy especially for male business owners to not share what’s really going on.

What I recommend is that you begin authentically sharing, and that vulnerability will allow others to open up to. Friends are such a great resource to help manage stress, use them and don’t take the burden on by yourself.

12. This too shall pass

One of the best ways to manage stress is to remind yourself of this phrase:

This too shall pass.

No matter what you’re experiencing, the challenges you’re facing or the crisis at hand. Remember, this too shall pass. Consider the question, will this matter, 5, 10 30 years down the line? If not, maybe add some perspective to allow yourself to be in a better emotional state.

2 extras points you may want to consider:

Watch a funny movie Laughing is a fantastic way to allow yourself to unwind and destress. Watching a movie that makes you laugh and causes you to feel good is a great start. You can take your mind off the stress that you have and immerse yourself in something different. This isn’t to distract you from what is going on in the business, but instead help you to stop overthinking. You’ll give yourself a break to truly relax and have a bit of fun! Spend time with children spend time childrenThis is so important because you start to see the innocence of life and how carefree children are. Through them you can start to appreciate what life really is about. When watching a child, they will make you laugh purely by how ridiculously authentic they are, they won’t fart and blame someone else. They fart and are surprised where it comes from! They don’t just sit there on their phone, they are genuinely fascinated by the world. Their wonder is something that can help you move out of any negative state. When all is said and done, remember that our lives will be gone in a flash. It’s important to utilise everything you have whilst you are still here. Choose to live an extraordinary life and let us help you on your journey. If you haven’t yet check out the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator to help you boost business success whilst creating your ideal lifestyle.

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