The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

1. Be persistent

On the entrepreneurial journey you will face challenges. There will be times where you want to give up, moments where you can’t see a clear path and even times where you just want to quit completely. Yet it is in these moments that you must remember why you wanted to start a business and take the steps necessary in order to make it happen.

2. Be consistent

You can become the most motivated person in the world. But if you aren’t consistent then it doesn’t matter. You must be held accountable and move yourself forward in a sustainable way. The best and most effective way by far to do this is to hire a coach. Have someone to help keep you accountable and call you out when you aren’t sticking to your goals. This will help keep you on track towards what you desire.

3. Clarify your vision

What is the vision that you have for yourself and your business? Do you want to carry on working in the business for the next 10-20 years or perhaps you want to create a business that runs without you. You must clarify what you want to create, so that you can build the business so it isn’t a burden.

4. Create lifestyle principles

You want to make sure that your lifestyle and the business grow hand in hand. Most people want to have a business that runs without them and then they will live their life. However, you want to make sure that you’re enjoying the journey.

The key here is to define how you want to live your life no matter what, so that you keep balanced despite business challenges. It’s important to define these clearly and stick to these 80% of the time. Remember no one is perfect! By doing this you’ll have created a great foundation to build a business.

5. Create a business not a hobby

Do what you love and the money will follow is as stupid as saying, eat whatever you want and you’ll be thin. It doesn’t work. You need to become business minded and actually create a business. It doesn’t matter how passionate you are about what you do, you have to be able to market it to the right people in order to make a business.

6. Do business in the cloud

If you want to live a great lifestyle, being able to move remotely is of paramount importance. Now more than ever, we see how much easier it is to be able to work from anywhere in the world. If you build your business like this, it will enable you to have much more freedom to do what you love.

7. Master your time management

You can have the best of intentions to be an entrepreneur, yet if you don’t master time management, it could be a VERY long journey for you. One of the most important skills to master is your time. You want to become more efficient with your time so that you can achieve more in less time. This skill is not optional but is a MUST for all entrepreneurs who really want to excel in their lives and business.

8. Overcome your fear

Fear is what will hold you back. Through working with entrepreneurs from all walks of life, I have come to found that many entrepreneurs fear failure. They fear not being good enough and they fear they can’t create what they desire. The sad result that arises is that they don’t take the risks they need to in their business in order to create success. I would challenge you to embrace the fear and do it anyway. This is where you can become the courageous leader you want to be.

9. Avoid burn out

As you build a business, your biggest challenges are often not external but instead internal. The stress and overwhelm you experience from being pulled in multiple directions and the frustration of consistent challenges can often be the cause of failure. For many business owners they burn out building the business because they haven’t overcome these internal battles. If you too are struggling with this, download the 5 hacks to overcome overwhelm here

10. Find a mentor/coach

find a mentor

No one in life has ever achieved anything great, without having guides and mentors along their journey. As an entrepreneur you will want to make sure that you learn from the best people possible to help you short cut your way to success. Learn from their mistakes, optimise yourself and become a truly remarkable business leader.

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