If you are struggling to be productive as a business owner, make sure to start the following 8 habits to massively boost your productivity this year.
1. Planning
Successful people plan their days in advance as they know once they have a structure to their day it’s going to be much more effective. Every single successful business owner I work with has a plan, so make sure if you don’t yet, plan out what you’re going to do!
2. Prioritise
Make sure to set priorities on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. The most successful business owners aim to accomplish the same amount in 12 weeks as other companies do in a year because of clear prioritisation of assets, time, staff and cash.
3. Systemise
Every successful business owner has a system. Within this system you need to have systems for communication, management, timelines as well as a system to manage yourself.
4. Outsource
You must learn to hire smart people to do the tasks that you don’t like to do and the tasks you aren’t specialised to do. This gives you the space to truly focus your efforts on where you’ll have the biggest impact long term in your business.
5. Focus
When it comes to focus, business owners all have a unique way to focus in their lives. Some have 2-hour blocks with no interruptions, others have 1 hour of space just to think and some have focused mastermind groups. Either way the key thing is that there are no interruptions.
6. Morning routine
All business owners have some sort of routine that puts them in a great state to tackle the day. It could be going to the gym, meditating, running, reading, reflecting, planning … etc. Find what works for you and make sure to do it consistently.
7. Follow the 80/20 rule
Business owners follow the 80 20 pareto principle. This principle says that 20% of what you do accounts for 80% of the outcome. Focus on the 20% that matters most whenever you take on any task in business.
8. Rest
The last and most important is rest. Make sure that you actively put holidays in your calendar, have time off during the week and have mini breaks in your day so that you avoid burnout and can consistently perform at a high level in your business.