It’s easy to overcomplicate what you have to do to reduce stress and anxiety.
I hope the following 7 points help to offer a simple perspective to help you overcome these negative emotions.
If you feel like you know some of these points already, I want you to consider this: If you know something but you don’t do it, do you really know it?
I’d challenge you to implement what you learn below and I hope it can help you, just like these strategies have helped many other entrepreneurs.
1. Positive questions
This is such a key technique that has helped hundreds of the people I have worked with over the years. I find it is very common for entrepreneurs to ask questions such as: what is the worst that could happen?
The answers to these types of questions lead them on a downward spiral, where they keep coming up with even more terrible possibilities.
An alternative question to ask yourself could be: how can I appreciate that this moment is perfect just the way it is?
This alternative question allows your brain to focus on what is right as opposed to what is wrong. This in turn can help reduce your stress and anxiety in a very fast way.
2. Keep Walking
Walking is one of the best techniques that I use to help myself reduce stress during the day. Yes it is still possible to feel stress! What differentiates those who have a great lifestyle vs those that struggle, is the way in which you manage it.
By going on a walk it helps you relax, your mind is stimulated in a different way and you can start thinking in a much clearer way. I challenge you to walk 10,000 steps minimum per day, to keep your mind and body in peak condition.
3. Hydrate more
Do you ever find that how your feel energy wise, affects how you respond to challenges as an entrepreneur? Some days you can deal with everything, but other days, something small can really stress you out.
Even more so there are even days where you feel a build up of stress over time until you feel like exploding like a volcano. One of the best ways to tackle this is actually through hydration.
Since our bodies are 60% water and our brain is 80% water. Anything that we do that dehydrates us will negatively affect us operating at an optimal level of energy.
Losses of 5% of your body weight in water decrease the capacity of work by 30%! You want to make sure that you’re adequately hydrated during the day, as it will help you have more energy to deal with issues.
4. Change perspective
Put it into perspective, does it really matter? Have you ever felt extremely frustrated that an email wouldn’t send, or a person hasn’t finished an item that you need ASAP? All entrepreneurs have been in these scenarios, yet can you change your perspective to maintain relaxed and avoid stress?
The key here is to think, will this really matter in 5 years time? What could I appreciate about this moment right now? Perhaps even taking a break for 5 minutes and coming back can help give you that new perspective to tackle something from a different angle.
5. Consistent Exercise
If you’re struggling, frustrated and angry at a situation, one of the best ways to help reduce these negative emotions is through exercise. Whether this is going to the gym and lifting weight, doing gentle yoga or going for a run in nature.
You need to have a simple exercise practice that you can turn to, that will help shift your emotional state. Make sure that you pick an exercise that you enjoy doing that helps change your mood in a quick way.
6. Relax
You can’t focus on work 24/7 yet I find the people who are most stressed and anxious don’t ever relax. Go for a massage, have a bath or even a spa retreat! I am not sure what your guilty pleasure is to unwind, but whatever it is, do it.
If you’re constantly working on the business and on your breaks, are still thinking about the business, this is a must! You need to create a relaxing routine that allows you to let go of your stress and anxiousness each and everyday.
7. Breathing
Breathing is a great way to control your emotional state. When you’re anxious and stressed, your breathing is shallow. Instead choose to take deep breaths and focus on your breathing. This can help you more easily control how you feel and what you experience.
Remember, where focus goes energy flows. You want to make sure you focus on what makes you feel good, and not what causes you to feel anxious.
Want to reduce stress and anxiety even faster? Check out The Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator.