The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

Tips 7

We are in a world of expert procrastinators. People pretend to be working or researching yet you are binge-watching videos believing you’re being productive!

Here are a few ways to get over that procrastination hump.

Change your environment

Make it really hard to procrastinate. Put your TV in a box, lock it and put the key downstairs in a jar. After this, then put your phone on airplane mode. I know it sounds ridiculous but these sorts of methods will really help with the procrastination you are struggling with. We need to recreate our environment to help remove distractions.

Focus on a clear outcome


Understand what you need to do! The reason we often procrastinate is that we don’t have a clear outcome that we are working towards, so our mind gets side tracked onto other things. Break down your tasks and plan it out so that you know exactly what you need to do.

Focus on the next step

We often get overwhelmed in life when we take too many things on and can’t really focus on the tasks at hand. We become stressed out and we don’t truly focus.

Let me ask you, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Yes this is ridiculous and of course I don’t eat elephants. However, sometimes our projects feel so big that we don’t even start! Break them down into smaller pieces and you will find it easier to manage.

Take a break

That’s right, you are allowed a break in the day to chill out!!!! Planned relaxation is what we can call it. Here you aren’t procrastinating as you planned to not do anything! You can’t work all the time, every minute or every hour, for the rest of your life. You need to spend 5 minutes relaxing and then move back onto your tasks.

Use time management strategies

  • Time block your day into 1 or 2 hour segments for a specific task
  • Use the Pomodoro Technique
  • Eat that frog in the morning (Brian Tracy)
  • Plan your day into different tasks
  • Match your tasks to your energy level throughout the day.

If you are struggling with this and want to be more efficient with your time, do check out our 3 day productivity challenge to help you gain an extra 2 hours a day!

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