The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

1. Business Boundaries

A business boundary is what you put in place so that you don’t burn out. You might consider having a business boundary such as turning off emails in the evening, having a cut off time from work, or even choosing to not work one day each week. These business boundaries help create space for you to enjoy your life whilst you build your business.

2. Lifestyle Principles

You want to make sure that your lifestyle and the business grow hand in hand. Most people want to have a business that runs without you and then they will live their life. You want to make sure that you are enjoying the journey. The key here is to define lifestyle principles to help you stay on track. When do you want to workout, spend time with family, socialise with friends …etc. These principles act as a guideline to keep you on track.

3. Energy principles

Energy principles are of paramount importance to keep your health and energy in optimal condition as an entrepreneur. Very often others can easily influence you. Perhaps it is what they eat, their bad habit in the evenings or doing activities that aren’t in your best interest. You want to clearly define energy principles that help you maintain energy throughout the day, whilst also giving you the freedom and flexibility to enjoy your life. This is in one of the core modules in the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator.

4. Weekly Evaluation

A weekly evaluation is one of the most important habits you can have as an entrepreneur. This is the golden nugget of advice, and I urge you to please do this, as it will change your life. A weekly evaluation consists of answering a series of questions each week to keep you on track. This helps you understand what to measure, what to improve on and prevents you from falling off track. This is single handedly one of the best habits that has helped me excel in all areas of my life.

5. Daily Power

Daily power is a habit that is of fundamental importance to keep you on track. In essence you want to have a few core things that you do each day that helps you stay in a great emotional state. By doing this, you can more effectively lead your business, make better decisions and enjoy the journey. This is your daily power. You want to create a daily power that consists of gratitude, visualization and affirmations. This helps give you an unshakeable emotional state throughout the day.

6. Financial Freedom Progress

Do you know exactly how much money you need in order to live an incredible lifestyle without working? Have you ever thought about breaking these numbers down into tangible goals to see if you’re on track? If you haven’t, this is something to seriously consider doing, you want to make sure that you know with complete clarity exactly what amount you need to never have to work again. This is a target that is built up over time and helps keep you focused towards your end goal.

7. Mentor/mentee

You want to make sure that you are mentoring other people and being mentored along your journey. I have found that mentors have been invaluable in giving me the confidence, insights and skills to accelerate my success. Moreover, being able to mentor others reinforces everything I have learnt and gives me an opportunity to give back to those who need me most.

8. Constant growth

Your business growth will never outgrow your personal growth. This means that you MUST keep growing as an entrepreneur in all areas of your life. Investing in courses, programs and training so that you stay ahead of competition. Moreover you can use these resources to optimise yourself, tweak your systems and learn to live an even better lifestyle.

9. Time management systems

Time management is more important than money. Why do I say that, well it’s very simple, money you can earn back, time you can’t. Unfortunately we all have a limited amount of time on this earth, yet money is in abundance. If you can learn to master the finite time you have, you can become more efficient, get more things done and do much more with what you have. This is key to enable you to become an outstanding entrepreneur.

10. Holiday Time

Yes as part of a lifestyle you need to have a holiday! You need to rest, unwind and relax. You want to make sure that you schedule holidays far in advance so that you can plan around them. It’s key to build your business around the lifestyle you want to live. Make sure to book them in and give yourself that space. It will help you look at your business with fresh eyes and be even more efficient on your return.

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